Anyone else dealing with pandemic fatigue? Yea – we are with you on that one.
So how do you keep productivity (and morale) levels high, manage stress, deal with constant change in local COVID regulations, and cope with ongoing worry for the world? (Let’s throw lack of sleep in there just for fun, shall we?)
Managing your team, and yourself, has never been so difficult – and it’s never been so important to have the right approach. Or at least be willing to adapt as you go in order to find the best approach! Willingness to learn and the ability to embrace change is key in dealing with these curve balls coming at us from all angles (thanks, 2020!).
This month, we asked a panel of experts all about their experience through the last 8 months of this pandemic. We asked them all the tough + self reflective questions so that you can sit back and soak up their wisdom!
We also had a little secret up our sleeve for this one! Inspired by our pal Riaz Sidi over at, we launched: #SaaSChats Tunes – the official soundtrack of our monthly chats! Throw it on while you check out the recap! Also, we promise to keep adding more fun tunes so it never gets old. Bookmark the playlist today, thank us tomorrow!
Before we dive in, meet the panel of experts from yesterday’s chat:
- Amanda Bernardo – Manager, Enterprise Strategy + Engagement, Shared Services Canada
- Brock Murray – Co-Founder, seoplus+
- Jacob Crompton-Schreiber – Account Manager, Publicize
- Patrick White – Managing Director, L-SPARK
- Jessica Ward – Corporate Associate, Dentons
Let’s jump in!
(Pro tip: click on the questions below to be taken directly to the thread of responses over on Twitter).
Q1. Pandemic Management, as it relates to leading your team through a crisis, means____.
Q4. What skills have developed or evolved throughout this time?
Q9. Who/what has been your team inspiration for through this time? Tag them!