Home Blog Black Founders: Diverse by Default. Inclusion By Action.

Black Founders: Diverse by Default. Inclusion By Action.

Now, more than ever, it’s time for action. On July 23rd 2020, we had the pleasure of hosting a panel discussion Black Founders. Diverse by Default. Inclusion by Action. in partnership with our friends at…

Now, more than ever, it’s time for action. On July 23rd 2020, we had the pleasure of hosting a panel discussion Black Founders. Diverse by Default. Inclusion by Action. in partnership with our friends at uOttawa eHub, Kanata North Business Association, and Invest Ottawa.

Our panel touched on challenges and issues that Black founders face right here at home, and we spoke about the roots of these issues and how to work at dismantling them.

Meet the panel:

As our panel made very clear, the work is far from over but by working together we can make more progress than we could ever imagine alone. 

As part of this initiative, the organizers + panel behind this event have created a tool kit of resources to continue progress in the right direction. We’ll continue adding resources here, and if you have a resource you’d like to see added feel free to reach out to Natasha, Community Manager, at natasha@l-spark.com.

Did you miss the event? No worries – watch it here:


Enhancing your Performance

  • Access innovative resources for improving the well-being and performance of yourself and teams

Black Founder Startup Grant 

  • 10k + 5k grants for Black Women + Non-Binary Founders.

Black Innovation Fellowship 

  • Launched by the DMZ, this program is focused on empowering the next wave of Black entrepreneurs.The first in Canada fellowship program will provide startups led by Black entrepreneurs with the strengthening support of a top university-based incubator network, as well as additional programming, mentorship, events, and connections to industry, capital and an alumni network, to support their success and growth.

Access advice, mentorship + funding

  • Blackfounders.com has created an ecosystem that stimulates tech entrepreneurship + fosters economic growth. They have a variety of resources + programs available.

5 Step Healing Model

  •  Get a complimentary performance-enhancement session for tackling discrimination

University of Ottawa Student Union – Resources for/from the Black Community 

  • Created by the uOttawa Student Union (UOSU) this is an amazing compilation of resources, articles + more – put together FOR and FROM the Black Community. Way to go uOttawa!


The horrifying truth about being a Black woman founder in Canada 

  • Written by entrepreneur, Amoye Henry, this article uncovers the truth about the struggle that Black women go through as founders right here in Canada. A MUST read.

The conversation and the data: A look at funding to black founders

  • Numbers don’t lie. Look at the cold hard facts outlined in this article – you might be shocked! It’s also full of other great resources to check out.

A VC’s Guide to Investing in Black Founders

  • So you’ve read the article about data, and now you’re wondering ‘How can I change that?’ – well James Normal covers that next step in this article by the Harvard Business Review.

The BlackNorth Initiative Announces Powerhouse Board of Directors and Committee Chairs

  • The BlackNorth Initiative was created by the Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against Anti-Black Systemic Racism to combat anti-Black systemic racism in Corporate Canada. The initiative challenges senior Canadian business leaders to commit their companies to specific actions and targets designed to end anti-Black systemic racism and create opportunities for all of those in the underrepresented BIPOC community.

Black entrepreneurs want Canadian firms to ‘put their money where their mouth is’ to fight racism.

  •  Put your money where your mouth is. Need we say more?

#SaaSChats – Black Founders: Conversations Continued

  • We held a Twitter chat on July 30th focused on continuing this momentum + this conversation with different Black founders.

Do you have additional resources to add? We want to hear from you! We’d love to continue to grow this toolkit, please reach out to Community Manager, Natasha, at natasha@l-spark.com. 


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